Important Books by Topics
ut of the total of about 3600 titles almost 600 can be considered of significant importance (See E. Göransson Further Reading). These publications have been divided into 26 topics according to the system employed by Hjalmar Sjögren.
Astronomy / Mechanics
d' Alembert, J.: Traite de dynamique etc. Paris 1743.
Archimedes: Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia etc. Basel 1544.
- Werke ans dem Griechischen ubersetzt ... von Ernst Nigge. Stralsund 1824.
- Works in modern notation with introductory notes by T. L. Heath. Cambridge 1897.
Aristarchus: De magnitudinibus et distantiis solig et lunae etc. Pesaro 1572.
Biot, J. B.: Traite elementaire d'astronomie physique. 3e ed. Paris 1841-57.
Brahe, T. : Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata etc. Frankfurt 1610.
- De mundi aetherei etc. Uranienborg och Prag 1603.
- Epistolarum astronomicarum libri etc. Nurnberg 1601.
- Historia coelestis etc. Augsburg 1666.
- Opera omnia. Frankfurt 1648.
Clairault, A. C.: Théorie de la figure de la terre etc. Paris 1743.
Copernicus, N.: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri VI etc. Nurnberg 1543.
Euler, L.: Theoria motus lunae etc. St. Petersburg 1753.
Galilei, G.: Dialogo. . . sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo etc. Florens 1632.
- Il saggiatore etc. Rom 1623.
- Opere. Florens 1718.
- Opere. Prima edizione completa. Florens 1842-56.
- Sidereus nuncius etc. Venedig 1610.
- Systema cosmicum etc. Strassburg 1635.
Grand, R.: History of physical astronomy etc. London 1852.
Hevelius, J.: Selenographia sive lunae descriptio etc. Danzig 1647.
Huygens, C.: De terris coelestibus etc. Haag 1698.
- Horologium oscillatorium etc. Paris 1673.
- Opera varia. Leyden 1724.
- Systema saturnium etc. Haag 1659.
Kepler, J.: Astronomia nova etc. Prag 1609.
- Harmonices mundi libri V etc. Linz 1619.
- Tabulae Rudolphinae etc. Ulm 1627.
La Condamine, C. M. de: Mesure des trois premiers degrés du meridien dans l'hémisphère austral etc. Paris 1751.
Lockyer, J. N.: Stargazing past and present. London 1878.
M aupertuis, P. L. M. de: The figure of the earth etc. London 1738.
M elanderhjelm, D.: Astronomie etc. Sthlm 1795.
Peurbach, G. von: Theorica planetarum. Venedig 1499.
Piccolomini, A.: De sphrera libri quatuor etc. Basel 1568.
Polacco, G.: Anticopernicus catholicus etc. Venedig 1644.
Riccioli, G. B.: Apologia ... contra systema Copernicanum. Venedig 1669.
Sacro Bosco, J. de: Sphera mundi etc. Venedig 1499.
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