Important Books by Topics
ut of the total of about 3600 titles almost 600 can be considered of significant importance (See E. Göransson Further Reading). These publications have been divided into 26 topics according to the system employed by Hjalmar Sjögren.
Backman, J.: En kort underrättelse om lufft-glasens upfinnelse och beskaffenhet etc. Sthlm 1716.
Bacon, F.: The naturall and experimentall history of winds etc. London 1653.
Bohun, A.: A discourse concerning the origine and properties of wind etc. Oxford 1671.
Cotte, L.: Traite de meteorologie etc. Paris 1774.
Dalton, J.: Meteorological observations and essays. London 1793.
Dennis, J.: Underrättelse om barometern och thermometern, samt om atmosphaeren och dess phenomener etc. Sthlm 1833.
Dove, H. W.: The law of storms. 2nd ed. London 1862.
Luc, J. A. de: Recherches sur les modifications de l'atmosphère etc. Geneve 1772.
Mohn, H.: Meteorologi. Kristiania 1903.
Saussure, H. B.: Essais sur l'hygrométrie etc. Neuchatel 1783.
Traittez des barometres, thermometres et motiometres ou hygrometres. Par Mr. D***. Amsterdam 1688.
V ieri, F. de: Trattato. . . nel quale si contengono in tre primi libri delle metheore. Florens 1582.
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