Important Books by Topics
ut of the total of about 3600 titles almost 600 can be considered of significant importance (See E. Göransson Further Reading). These publications have been divided into 26 topics according to the system employed by Hjalmar Sjögren.
Annerstedt, C.: Upsala universitets historia. I. + Bihang I, II: 1-4, III: I. Upsala 1877-1912.
Döbeln, J. J. von: Regiae academiae Lundensis historia a prima ejus aetate ad finem anno MDCCXXXVIII. Lund 1740.
Henriques, P.: Skildringar ur Kungl. tekniska högskolans historia. I. Sthlm 1917.
Karolinska mediko-kirurgiska institutets historia etc. Sthlm 1910.
Lunds universitets tvåhundraårs-fest. (Samlingsband med inbjudningsskrifter, program, dikter, etc.) Lund 1868.
Upsala universitet 1872-1897. Festskrift... utgifven af R. Geijer. Upsala 1897.
Upsala universitets jubelfest september 1877. Sthlm 1879.
Weibull, M. & Tegnér, B.: Lunds universitets historia. Lund 1868.
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