Important Books by Authors
ut of the total of about 3600 titles almost 600 can be considered of significant importance (See E. Göransson Further Reading). These publications have been divided into 26 topics according to the system employed by Hjalmar Sjögren.
The Authors : D
d' Alembert, J.: Traite de dynamique etc. Paris 1743.
Dalton, J.: A new system of chemical philosophy. Vol. 1:2 -II: l. Manchester 1810, 1827.
Dalton, J.: Experimental essay on the constitution of mixed gases. Manchester 1802.
Dalton, J.: Meteorological observations and essays. London 1793.
Dana, J. D.: A system of mineralogy comprising the most recent discoveries etc. 3rd ed. New York and London 1850.
Dannemann, F.: Aus der Werkstadt grosser Forscher etc. Leipzig 1908.
Dannemann, F.: Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung. und in ihrem Zusammenhange. Leipzig 1910-13.
Darmstaedter, L.: Handbuch zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik etc. 2. Aufl. Berlin 1908.
Darwin, Ch.: Geological observations on coral reefs, volcanic islands and on South America etc. London 1851.
Darwin, Ch.: Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle etc.London 1839.
Darwin, Ch.: On the origin of species by means of natural selection etc. London 1859.
Darwin, Ch.: The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London 1871.
Darwin, Ch.: The expression of the emotions in man and animals. London 1872.
Darwin, Ch.: The variation of animals and plants under domestication. London 1868.
Daubeny, C.: A description of active and extinct volcanos etc. London 1826.
Daubrée, A.: Skandinaviens Erzlagerstätte. Stuttgart 1846.
Delius, C. T.: Anleitung zu der Bergbaukunst nach ihrer Theorie und Ausubung etc. Wien 1773.
Dennis, J.: Underrättelse om barometern och thermometern, samt om atmosphaeren och dess phenomener etc. Sthlm 1833.
Descartes, R.: Geometria etc. Ed. 2. Amsterdam 1659.
Descartes, R.: OEuvres complètes. Paris 1824-26.
Descartes, R.: Opera philosophica. Ed. 2. Amsterdam 1650.
Deventer, Ch. M. von: P,hysikalische Chemie fur Anfänger. 2. Aufl. Amsterdam und Leipzig 1901.
Dewey, F. P.: A preliminary descriptive catalogue of the systematic collections in economic geology and metallurgy in the United States National Museum. Washington 1891.
Diophanhls Alexandrinus: Arithmeticorum libri sex etc. Paris 1621.
Dioscurides: Opera, quae extant, omnia. Wien 1598.
Djurberg, D.: Cosmografie samt beskrifning om jorden i allmänhet. Sthlm 1801.
Dmitriev-Mamonov, A.: Putevoditel po Turkestanu i sredneaziatskoj zeleznoj dorogi. St. Petersburg 1903.
Dodds, G.: A companion to the minerals and fossils contained in the Ledstone museum. Rochdale 1827. TOP
Dolomieu, D. de: Memoire sur les iles Ponces et catalogue raisonné des produits de l'Etna etc. Paris 1788.
Dorn, G.: De naturae luce physica etc. Frankfurt 1583.
Douglas, J.: A dissertation on the antiquity of the earth etc. London 1785.
Dove, H. W.: The law of storms. 2nd ed. London 1862.
Draper, J. W.: A history of the intellectual development of Europe. London 1875.
Draper, J. W.: History of the conflict between religion and science. London 1875.
Du Chailly, P. B.: Forskningsresor och äfventyr i mel1ersta Afrika. Sthlm 1875.
Dumas, J. B.: Traité du chimie, appliquée aux arts. Paris 1828-46.
Dvadcatipjatiletie tovariscestva neftjanogo proizvodstva Bratev Nobel 1879-1904. St. Petersburg 1904.
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