Important Books by Topics
ut of the total of about 3600 titles almost 600 can be considered of significant importance (See E. Göransson Further Reading). These publications have been divided into 26 topics according to the system employed by Hjalmar Sjögren.
Apollonius, Pergaeus: Conica (libri IV) methodo novo illustrata etc. London 1675.
Bernouilli, J.: Ars conjectandi, opus posthumum etc. Basel 1713.
Boethius: Incipiunt duo libri de arithmetica etc. Venedig 1488.
Borghi, P.: La nobel opera di arithmeticha etc. Venedig 1488.
Briggs, H.: Arithmetique logarithmique etc. Gouda 1628.
Cardano, G.: Artis magnae sive de regulis algebraicis liber unus etc. Nurnberg 1545.
Carnot, L. N. M.: Géométrie de position. Paris 1803.
Cauchy, A. L. & Moigno, F. N. M.: Lecons de calcul différentiel et de calcul integral etc. T. I-II: l. Paris 1840 -44.
Descartes, R.: Geometria etc. Ed. 2. Amsterdam 1659.
Diophanhls Alexandrinus: Arithmeticorum libri sex etc. Paris 1621.
Euclides: Opera. Venedig 1517.
- The elements of geometrie. London 1570.
Euler, L.: Institutiones calculi differentialis etc. St. Petersburg 1755.
Gauss, C. F.: Theoria motus corporum coelestium etc Hamburg 1809.
Kepler, J.: Chilias logarithmorum etc. Marburg 1624.
Leibnitz, G. W. von & Bernouilli, J.: Commercium philosophicum et mathematicum. Lausanne och Geneve 1745.
M enelaus Alexandrinus: Sphaericorum libri III. U. o. o. å.
Moivre, A. de: The doctrine of chances etc. London 1718.
Napier, J.: Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio etc.Edinburgh 1614.
Newton, I.: Analysis per quantitatum series, flexiones ac differentias etc. London 1711.
- Arithmetica universalis etc. Cambridge 1707.
-., Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. London 1687.
- Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Ed. 2. Cambridge 1713.
- Principes mathematiques de la philosophie naturelle. Paris 1759.
- Universal arithmetick etc. London 1720.
Ptolemaeus: Harmonicorum libri tres etc. Oxford 1682.
Regiomontanus, J.: De triangulis omnimodis libri quinque etc. Nurnberg 1533.
Tartaglia, N.: Nova scientia inventa. Venedig 1537.
Taylor, M.: Tables of logarithmes of all numbers, from 1 to 101000 etc. London 1792.
Theodosius Tripolita: Sphaericorum libri tres etc. Paris 1558.
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